First of all, THANK YOU πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ’› , from Ashley and I. We are very grateful that you have taken the time to read our book.

Secondly, we are thankful that you have offered to review our book. This is such an important part of the book's journey from initial creation to the connection it will make to people that will find it and read it in the future. Thank you, we appreciate you.

You, as a reviewer, are an integral part of our book. Your review adds a human element to the experience that a reader will have with a book. Your review offers credibility. Your review offers wings to allow our book to fly into the hands of those that will find it connecting and valuable.

Now let's get down to the specifics.πŸ™‚

The reviews that are most helpful to us include the following (choose the best ones for YOU):

  • Amazon reviews.

  • Short reviews, both written and video, to be used in social media posts.

  • Full reviews that will be added to our website featuring the book.

    TO NOTE: Reviews that include a photo of you create that human connection. Include a photo of you if are willing.

Ashley and I are here to assist you with writing the review if this would be helpful. Simply send an email to for assistance.

Structure of a long review, i.e. for Amazon or for our website, includes:

  1. A brief summary of the book. Short and sweet.

  2. An explanation of your opinion of the most important parts of the book. For example,

    • the way the book was written

    • a specific section or chapters that stood out for you

    • the overall impact of the book

    • the value that the book will have for others

  3. An option is to include quotes or examples from the book as these often add a nice touch.

  4. A brief summary that highlights the value that the book had for you. You might like to end the review with:

    • This book is for you if ....

    • This book offers ....

    • I highly recommend this book to anyone .....

  5. The ideal length of an Amazon written review is 75 - 500 words. Video reviews have a 10-minute limit. Video reviews ideally are 2 - 5 minutes.

Structure of short reviews for social media posts:

  1. A sentence or two that brings out a specific element of the book that you found valuable. Feel free to share some sentences with Ashley and I and we can easily formulate a good post.

  2. Send a photo that we can use to include in the post.

  3. If you are willing, share the review as a video message. Messages as short as 15 seconds or up to 2 minutes are perfect.

Thank you again. πŸ’› 😊 We greatly appreciate your support.

Lorraine and Ashley

Writing a Book Review for the Book β€œWhere Are You From?